Welcome to od2dev.
Launched in the Fall of 2009, this blog is meant as a reminder to share PHP & MySQL developer’s hints and concerns.
As the web is constantly evolving, developers have to adapt in a number of specialized fields.
Freelance Web developers have to be ready to take up :
- Database Administration (needs analysis, database normalization, query language terminology, data import and treatment, database server configuration and versions,…)
- Web Server Administration (handling Apache)
- Server-side programming (PHP5 in my case, object -oriented programming)
- Client-side programming (W3C standards, (X)HTML, CSS, javascript,…)
- HTML integration
- Web design (the building of professional lay-outs, perfectly suiting the client’s needs in terms of communication)
- Sales manager and customer service
- troubleshooting in all these fields
- …
Feel free to comment where relevant.